
Name of organization
Click on Name of organization to display a list of all Women's Information Services in the database arranged alphabetically by name (in the language of the organization). Click on the name of an organization in that list to display the full discription

Click on Country to display a list of all countries represented in the database. Click on one of the countries in that list to display the organizations located in that country.

Click on Continent to display a list of continents represented in the database. Click on one of the continents in that list to display the organizations in that continent.

Click on Language to display a list of languages covered in the collections of organizations represented in the database. Click on one of the languages in that list to display the organizations which have items in that language in their collections.

Type of Organization
Click on Type of Organization to display a list of the types of organizations represented in the database. Click on one of the types in that list to display organizations of that type.

Collection Subject
Click on Collection Subject to display a list of subjects covered in the collections of information of organizations represented in the database. Click on one of the subjects in that list to display the organizations which have items in their collections covering that subject.

Free text search
Click on Free text search to search all fields in the database, including the name and the description of the organization, city, country and continent of location, the organization's contact persons, services, activities and collection information. It is also possible to make a combined search. Enter one or more words and click on SEARCH. For Instance: when looking for an organization in Africa with a collection on Health, enter in one box Health and in the other box Africa.

Also see the Quick Reference Guide, an extensive manual for Mapping the World:
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