There are several ways to search the Women for Water database.
  • Name of water project for a list of all water projects in the database
  • Name of organization for a list of all organizations in the database, arranged alphabetically by name in the language of the organization.
  • Focus of project for a list of focal points of the projects
  • Country for a list of all countries in the database.
  • Language for a list of languages used in the projects
  • Free text to search all fields in the database or make a combined search.
  • Help for a brief explanation of each of the headings
  • Information for a short explanation of the Women for Water database.
The Women for Water Database is a product of the Netherlands' Council of Women (NVR).
The IIAV was responsible for the technical realisation of the database.
© NVR 2004
For questions or more information please contact: [email protected]