European and North American WomenAction 2000

Together with some of the most important women's umbrella organizations in Europe and North America, the IIAV initiated in 1999 ENAWA - European and North American WomenAction (formerly called: EWA2000) as part of the global WomenAction 2000 network.

The European partners responsible for the content of the website are: Association for Progressive Communications/Women's Networking Support Program (UK), AVICA (UK), Centre de Documentation sur l'Education des Adultes et la Condition F�minine CDEACF (Canada), Dones Periodistes (Spain), European Women's Lobby (European Community), Feminist Alliance for International Action (Canada), IIAV, KARAT Coalition, (a network of NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe working for gender equality in the region), Les P�n�lopes (France), LOLApress (Europe, Africa and Latin America), US Women Connect (USA), WINGS: Women's International News Gathering Service (USA), Women�s Network for a Sustainable Future (USA) and Womenspace (Canada). The group is constantly expanding.

WomenAction 2000
WomenAction 2000 is a global coalition of women's information and media organizations and centers. The coalition provides, through its website, access to the governmental and NGO processes leading up to and following on from the UN General Assembly Special Session entitled 'Women 2000 Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the 21st Century', which took place in New York from June 5-9, 2000.

For questions or more information, or to become an active member, e-mail: [email protected].