About the Know How Conference

The Know How Conference on the World of Women's Information is a process of sharing knowledge and expertise between women's information specialists throughout the globe. The IIAV hosted, as part of this process, the first Know How Conference in August 1998.

Know How Conference 2002
The second Know How conference was held in Kampala, Uganda from 23-27 July 2002.
180 women and men from 46 countries gathered together at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda for the second Know How Conference. They are a part of the global community of information and communication specialists, librarians, archivists, academics, politicians, activists and media specialists in the field of women's information. The Declaration of the Kampala Know How Conference 2002, the PowerPoint presentations, workshops and keynote speeches will be available soon on the Kampala Know How Conference 2002 web site.

The Know How Conference has a Listserv, so that you can communicate with other women's information services. To subscribe, send an e-mail to [email protected]. In the message area write: subscribe knowhowconf your-first-name your-last-name.

Know How Conference 1998
The Know How Conference in 1998 (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), which was attended by 300 women and men representing 83 countries and seven continents, drew up a statement: the Declaration of the Know How Conference. This is a statement of how the global development of women's information services shall continue to develop in the future. The Mapping the World of Women's Information Services and Centres database was another outcome of the conference.

Two publications followed the Amsterdam Know How Conference 1998:

Mission of the Know How Conference
The Know How Conference mission is to improve the accessibility and availability of women's information services throughout the world, at the local and at the global level. Hundreds of women's information centres, our activities as diverse as our geographies, work to strengthen the position of women. Our accessibility, and the availability of our information, is essential to our work and a prerequisite to proper policy making at international, national and local government levels. The Know How Conference is committed to creating a forum where ideas and experiences from the South, North, West and East are equally represented.

For questions or more information e-mail: [email protected].