IIAV International News

IIAV International News is a newsletter, published by the IIAV. It replaces two former publications: the International Newsletter on Women's Information Services (from 1994 to 1997) and the International Newsletter on the Know How Conference on the World of Women�s Information (from 1997 to 1999).

This new publication is produced by the IIAV's International Cooperation Department. Partners worldwide are invited to contribute articles. The English, French and Spanish versions of IIAV International News are available online on this web site. The English version is also available in PDF-format.

The latest version of IIAV International News is (choose a language):
IIAV International News Volume 3 - No.1 - February 2002 (English version)
IIAV International News Volume 3 - No.1 - February 2002 (English version - PDF format)
IIAV International News Volume 3 - no1 - février 2002 (French version)
IIAV International News Volumen 3 - No. 1 - Febrero 2002 (Spanish version)

The IIAV wants to know what information you are interested in and how you want to be kept informed of our international activities. Therefore we request that you fill in the online questionnaire below (choose between the English, French or Spanish version). You'll be added to our mailing list. Thanks in advance!

Questionnaire - English version
Questionnaire - French version
Questionnaire - Spanish version

We hope you enjoy reading about our international activities and partner projects in IIAV International News. If you have copy for the next volume, please send it to: [email protected].

For questions or more information e-mail: [email protected]