In twenty-three years' time the magazine LOVER has developed into a renowned magazine in the field of feminism and women's studies. The magazine is a mixture of a specialist magazine and a popular magazine.

LOVER, Magazine on Feminism, Culture and Science, publishes every three months articles in which it focuses on feminist discussions and does not avoid controverses. Next to that LOVER knows a long tradition in phrasing the multicultural dialogue. LOVER analyses women's media all over the world and reviews the most important international specialist magazines. LOVER regularly publishes a bibliography on one specific field of study. And as a norm each LOVER contains a minimum of 350 current titles in the field of women's studies and women's movement (with brief summaries) in the Descriptions. Naturally LOVER keeps you informed on all developments regarding the digital highway.

LOVER is published in Dutch. As a special service to foreign readers: the subject headings of the Descriptions are in English and the main articles are summarized in English.

The editorial board of LOVER is always looking for talented authors (translation of an article into dutch is possible). If you'd like to publish an article, please send a draft to the address above, or send an e-mail: E-mail editors: [email protected]

For questions or more information e-mail: [email protected].