International Cooperation

The IIAV operates in a world where information knows no boundaries. Through far reaching cooperation with women's information centers throughout the world, the IIAV is able to provide access to information on the position of women to researchers, women's organizations, policy makers and the media, to meet the national and international information needs of our customers.

The International Cooperation department of the IIAV is responsible for developing and implementing tools and services with our partners world wide. The following is a list of recent past and ongoing projects:

2000 - Sharing Knowledge to Combat Violence
2002 - Know How Conference Kampala
2002 - E-conferences on Gender Mainstreaming in Integrated Water Management
2002 - Sharing Knowledge to Combat Violence Against Women (completed)
2000 - Research: How WomenAction 2000's target group uses Internet (completed)
1999 - European and North American WomenAction (ongoing)
1998 - Database and book Mapping the World (completed)
1998 - European Women's Thesaurus (completed)

For questions or more information e-mail: [email protected]