Interview archive

Atria's digital interview archive is growing. In this collection, you can find, among others, interviews with key figures in the women’s health movement and with Dolle Mina, a Dutch feminist activist group that was founded in 1969..

 Interviews in de collectie  met o.a.  Leonore Nicolaï, Gunilla Kleiverda, Ingrid Foeken, Halime Yarba

Finding video interviews

Searching through the video archive is possible (in Dutch) by using the latest speech recognition technology. This advanced searching functionality can identify video fragments containing the search terms. You can also find video interviews using the integrated search engine on this website, or look into the summaries.
Search the video archive (on the Dutch website)


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For more information

© 2013 Atria Address Atria: Vijzelstraat 20, 1017 HK Amsterdam, + 31 20 - 6650820, [email protected]